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Movement can replace many drugs, but no drug can ever replace movementAvicenne

Fungi = Fun Guy; How mushrooms contribute to human life.

Mold, fungus, mushrooms, bacteria, microbes… sounds gross right? Here are some beneficial things you may not know about these little life-forms.

A lot of people don’t understand yet the import role that different Fungi have for your body and the planet. Recent projects are happening to produce leather products, biodegradable packaging, construction/ building blocks, meat replacements, medicines and supplements, products for cleaning toxic spills and plastics, just to name a few. Research has also shown that the entire Biome we live in is in part successful due to how mycelia interact with other flora and fauna. It has been discovered that mushrooms connect the roots underneath the soil (much like an internet) so they can communicate to each other over vast distances. This effect creates a holistic approach to photosynthesis, nutriment transference, the health of soil and seedling growth, helping to maintain the balance.

This effect is much like the way they work within our own bodies; acting in a way that allows for better nutrient absorption, building new or restoring neural pathways in the brain, allowing you to learn more, faster and to stay alert and functioning throughout the day.

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“It is easy to get a thousand prescriptions but hard to get one single remedy.”Chinese Proverb